


Lantana grows into dense rough stemmed thickets of two to four metres high often with mauve flowers but also can have pink, red, orange, white or pink-edged red flowers. 

How is it spread

Lantana plants produce new shoots, spreading by seed on shoes and by birds and foxes deposited in their scats or droppings. 

Lantana invades native bushland and gardens and can be toxic to dogs, cats humans and other animals and acts as fuel in bushfires. It most often takes hold on roadsides, riverbanks, fencelines, and bushland edges.


Large areas are best gradually attacked from the edges. Do as much at a time as you can manage as it will regrow and require three monthly repeat action.

Cut back vegetation to the base of plants and scrape the lower stems and paint with a glyphosate weed killer (follow product instructions). The foliage can be left piled up to rot on the ground or placed in green bins.

Pulling Lantana out by hand can be done throughout the year – easier after rain. Remove regrowth as early as possible and for the best results, plant out cleared areas with native shrubs to prevent regrowth.

For further information go here.